Toshi Ryu Core Skillz - Age 7-9 Year Olds
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Juniors Training
Age 7-9 Years


Introducing the Toshi Juniors Programme:


Unleashing Potential in 7 to 9-Year-Olds!


The age between seven and nine is a remarkable stage in a child's development. They possess impressive vocabulary and problem-solving skills, while still cherishing their connection with adults. This unique bond strengthens the teacher-student relationship like never before.


However, we have identified a challenge these young learners face. Despite their high intelligence, they often struggle to keep up with students aged ten and above due to the lack of essential core skills.


To address this, we have designed the Toshi Juniors Programme, tailored specifically to their developmental stage. Our program embraces their adventurous spirit and youthful nature, empowering them with the skills necessary for future success.


One highly effective component of our structured curriculum is martial arts training, which has yielded excellent results. Here's an overview of the developmental stages for children aged seven to nine:


Physical Development: At this age, fine motor skills may still be developing, impacting their technique. Their movements might be a bit unsteady while in motion. Initially, we expect them to struggle with precise blocks, strikes, kicks, and stances. Their execution of jumping, spinning, and footwork might appear less refined. Our program aims to guide them towards performing technical blocks, strikes, kicks, and stances with power and accuracy. We also foster the development of speed and agility in their movements.


Intellectual Development: These children possess exceptional intellect, but they often find it challenging to concentrate in the presence of distractions. Initially, we anticipate their focus being easily diverted by more "interesting" stimuli. They may also experience difficulty remembering simple instructions due to overthinking. Through our program, we strive to enhance their ability to concentrate on the task at hand, even amidst distractions. We help them retain information without becoming overwhelmed by excessive analysis.


Emotional Development: Generally emotionally stable, these children relish challenges. However, they may exhibit excessive fear when they overthink certain situations.

On ordinary days, emotional stability is expected from them. However, when confronted with certain tasks, they may initially feel overwhelmed and display excessive fear.

Our program fosters perseverance in the face of challenges, particularly when they feel like giving up. We provide guidance and support to help them confront and overcome their fears.


Social Development: These youngsters enjoy interacting with others, especially adults. They possess a strong sense of fairness and are determined to voice their opinions when they perceive something as unfair.

Initially, we anticipate interruptions when they believe something is amiss. They demonstrate determination in making their voices heard.


The goals of our program are to teach them proper problem-solving skills and effective communication, without disrupting the overall flow of the class.



As you can see, the Toshi Juniors Programme takes martial arts training to a whole new level!


We harness the core elements of traditional martial arts curricula to build age-appropriate skills for seven to nine-year-olds.


Join us on this transformative journey, where we unlock the full potential of your child through the Toshi Juniors Programme!

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